What’s with the tweezers for no reason?

Sharp wetting is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. In the case of acute wetting for no reason, possible reasons include, inter alia, the following:

Sexually-exposed infections: this is the main mode of transmission of sharp hyenas. When engaging in sexual life with patients suffering from acutely humid argon, the virus may be released and vaccinated on the partner ‘ s genitals, resulting in infection, as the argon is easily razed. Thus, impure sex or frequent change of sexual partner increases the risk of infection.

Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT): If the mother suffers from acute damp beaks, especially if clinical symptoms are not apparent and the uterus is infected with the virus, the fetus may become infected with the virus through the delivery path at the time of delivery, leading to acute humid beaks in the newborn.

Indirect exposure transmission: Some patients may be indirectly infected with HPV, such as exposure to virus-contaminated underwear, towels, tubs, etc. In public places, such as in sitting toilets, public baths or swimming pools, the risk of infection may also be increased by neglect of hygiene and protective measures.

Self-inoculation: It has been clinically found that a patient with a genital or anal sharp hysteria can transmit the virus to other parts of the body by hand if he/she is exposed to the acute hysteria on a regular basis.

Low immunity: the risk of infection with HPV increases when an individual is less immune and has no antibody. Therefore, good health and increased immunity are important measures to prevent acute wetting.

Treatment for sharp-wetting argon usually includes medication, physiotherapy (e.g. laser treatment, refrigeration treatment, electrocortology, etc.), Chinese medicine and surgical treatment. Specific treatment programmes need to be developed by a doctor, depending on the patient ‘ s circumstances.

At the same time, the key to the prevention of acute damp is to avoid an unclean sex life, maintain good hygiene practices, improve immunization and prevent mother-to-child transmission. A doctor, jrsys, can be added and free of charge online.

Nanjing Yuja Institute of HIV Medicine published a paper in the Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences, 2019, on the use of patented Chinese prescriptions to treat a huge anal cylindrical hysteria.

Nanjing Yuja Institute of Viral Neoplasm Medicine published a paper in 2021, Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences: An example of an ex-baptation therapy for sharp-wetting children