White cells under 4 are white cell reduction? But more than 10 could be inflammation or leukemia!

White cells are an important part of the human immune system and play a key role in combating infection and inflammation.

What is the normal range of white cells?

The normal range of white cell count varies according to age, sex, physiological state etc., but normally the normal range of adult white cell count is between 4.0 – 10.0 x 10.9/L.

White cells under 4 are white cell reduction?

It is true that white cell count is below normal range (usually considered to be 4.0 x 10 ^9/L) and is called white cell reduction, but does not necessarily mean white cell reduction. White cell reduction is a state of disease that can be caused by a number of causes, including drug reactions, viral infections, bone marrow problems, etc.

However, occasional slight white cell reductions may be temporary and may not constitute a disease.

White cells above 10 could be inflammatory or leukemia?

The white cell count is above normal range (which is generally considered to be 10.0 x 10 ^9/L or above) and may indeed indicate inflammation, infection or other stress. It can also be leukaemia, of course, but leukaemia is a blood cancer, and white cells in persons with leukaemia tend to rise exceptionally when they have stabilized.

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