It is a more common obituary skin disease that manifests itself in limitations or in the complete loss of mucous membrane in a transposive skin, which has the characteristics of plastered milk, smooth skin-free rashes on the surface and clear white spots. Early treatment is particularly critical in the face of this disease, as the treatment of white phoenix has several “gold periods” in which patients can effectively control their condition, or even achieve full re-education, through scientific treatment and care.
Early 01: Optimal timing of treatment
Early white phoenix is the best time for treatment. At this stage, the white spots are small, the melanoid cell is not completely damaged and the treatment is usually the best. Early treatment can help to prevent white spots from spreading and sometimes even to fully rejuvenate.
Treatment strategy:
Timely medical access: Once white spots are found, they should be immediately referred to a doctor to determine the treatment.
Drug treatment: The use of drugs such as white phoenix capsules, albino tablets and nitrous mustard hydrochloride, under the direction of a doctor, and the use of external drugs such as sugar-coated hormonals, vitamin D3 derivatives, among others, can contribute to the growth and fragmentation of melanoid cells.
Phototherapy: Phototherapy methods such as UV-B and narrow spectrum UV-B can stimulate the formation of melanoid cells.
:: Life-care: attention to rest, pacing, sunproofing, etc., will facilitate recovery.
Sour milk 02
The period of stabilization of the white twilight is the period during which the area is no longer expanding and no new white spots appear. Treatment at this stage can also yield better results, helping to restore pigments and preventing the emergence of new white spots.
Treatment strategy:
Personalized treatment: Individualized treatment programmes are developed on a patient-specific basis.
Surgery treatment: In the case of persistent white spots, surgical treatments such as the PRP-CK State Danol transplant can be used.
Chinese medicine treatment: acupuncture, acupuncture, Chinese fumigation, etc., to regulate the immune function of the body and to promote the production of melanoid cells.
Consolidation of treatment: the continued use of external drugs and phototherapy, along with the use of oral drugs, immuno-regulating agents, etc.
03 Recovery period: prevention of recurrence
During the recovery period, the white spots gradually shrink and the colours deepen. This is the last golden period of treatment and there is a need to continue to consolidate the effects of treatment to prevent recurrence.
Treatment strategy:
Continuing treatment: continued use of external drugs and phototherapy to enhance treatment effectiveness.
(b) Immunization regulation: use of oral drugs, immuno-regulating agents, etc., to regulate the immune function of the body and prevent recurrence.
Life management: take care of the nutritional balance, avoid the irritation of sunstorms, frictions, etc., and maintain a good mindset and cooperate actively with the treatment.
Patients of white phoenix should be careful not to consume vitamin C-rich foods, such as tomatoes, citrus, monkeys, etc. At the same time, more good foods, such as black moor, and hairs such as toothfish and seafood, are consumed. And relax, release pressure and maintain a good mind, which helps stabilize and treat the condition.
The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.