Stomach cancer — a hidden “devil” in the dark — is among the highest in the world in the incidence of cancer. But you know what? This “devil” is not a random choice of its “hunting”, but a particular “preference” object. After that, it is important to open up the secrets of people at high risk of stomach cancer so that they can be better protected.
I. “Eat lovers” with poor diet
The “hot eaters” who are not spicy, have to eat pickled foods and salty foods should be careful. Spicy foods can stimulate stomach mucous membranes, and long-term “attacks” can cause damage to the mucous membranes and leave a danger for stomach cancer. Pickled foods, such as pickled vegetables and salted fish, contain large quantities of nitrites that can be transformed into carcinogenic nitrazine in the stomach. High-salt diets can destroy the protective layer of the gastric mucous membranes, making carcinogens more exposed and damaging stomach wall cells. It’s like creating a “bad environment” for the stomach, which gives the seeds of stomach cancer a breeding ground.
II. “Persons” infected with cholesterol
Sphinx, a “little villain” classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization, is an important accomplice to stomach cancer. It can be parasitic on stomach mucous membranes, causing diseases such as stomach inflammation and stomach ulcer. Long-term inflammation can cause repeated damage to and repair of the gastric mucous membranes, during which cell cancer can occur. According to research, about 70 per cent of stomach cancer can be attributed to cholesterococcal infections. So, if it’s a gypsy spree-positive, it must be actively treated and not “spoiled” in the stomach.
III. “Unlucky family members” with family history
Family genetics also played a role in the onset of stomach cancer. If there are stomach cancers in the family, there is a significant increase in the risk of stomach cancer among other members. This may be due to genetic mutations that make them more susceptible to stomach cancer. However, even with family history, stomach cancer is not destined to happen, but rather requires greater vigilance, regular stomach lenses, early detection and early treatment.
IV. “Sweet people” who have been drinking and smoking for a long time
Alcohol and tobacco are the two major killers of health, and are no exception to the stomach. Alcohol directly irritates the gastric mucous membranes, causing gastric mucous membranes to become full of blood, oedema and decomposition, and long periods of alcohol consumption can damage the barrier to the stomach mucous membranes and increase the risk of stomach cancer. Harmful substances such as nicotine and tar in tobacco not only enter the blood circulation that affects the gastric mucous membranes, but also contribute to an increase in gastric acidization and increased damage to the gastric mucous membrane, both of which work in concert and drive the stomach further away from the “cancer path”.
The “age crisis” of middle-aged older persons
As age increases, the body ‘ s functions decline, including the stomach. The rate of up-skinning of the stomach mucous membranes has slowed down and resistance to carcinogens has diminished. Moreover, they may often have years of bad eating habits or other stomach disease, which accumulates to make it easier for stomach cancer to “go to the door” at this age. In general, the incidence of stomach cancer increased significantly after age 50.
Stomach cancer, though terrible, is not inexorable. If you belong to the above-mentioned high-risk group, do not panic. For a healthy population, it is also necessary to be sober, to develop good eating habits, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to make stomach cancer, a “devil”, incapacitating, and to guard our body’s “indigestion plant”.