For diabetes patients, control of empty blood sugar is a key component of blood sugar management. However, many diabetics find it painful to find that empty blood sugar does not fall. What the hell is going on here? In fact, it would be easier to resolve this problem if we understood the following points.
First, it is necessary to examine whether the use of sugar at night is reasonable. Some diabetics may not use enough sugar before dinner or bedtime, leading to poor control of blood sugar at night, which in turn affects the emptied abdominal sugar the next day.
Secondly, dietary factors cannot be ignored. The timing of dinner, the type and quantity of food may have an impact on empty abdominal blood sugar. If dinner is too late, the time taken to digest and absorb the food in the gastrointestinal tract is inappropriately linked to the empty abdominal state during sleep, which can easily lead to an increase in emptiness of blood sugar.
Moreover, the dawn phenomenon is a common cause of the increase in blood sugar. At dawn, the human body circulates a number of hormones, which have the effect of increasing blood sugar and are a natural regulation of the body in anticipation of the events of the new day. For diabetics, empty abdominal sugar is easily increased by the effect of these insulin inoculations or inactivities.
In addition, the quality of sleep is closely related to empty abdominal blood sugar. Long-term insomnia or poor sleep quality affects the endocrine and metabolic function of the body, leading to increased insulin resistance and increased blood sugar.
In response to the above reasons, which have contributed to the loss of abdominal sugar, diabetes patients can take appropriate measures. With regard to drugs, timely communication with doctors is required to adjust the type, dosage and time of use of sugar based on blood sugar surveillance to ensure effective control of blood sugar at night and to avoid the occurrence of low blood sugar. On the diet, as far as possible, dinner is served earlier and at 6-7 p.m. In the case of dawn, drug treatment programmes, such as increased pre-sleep insulin dosages or the use of drugs to counter the dynamic hormonal effect at dawn, can be adjusted under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, emphasis is placed on improving the quality of sleep, providing regular rest time, creating a good sleep environment and, if necessary, seeking assistance from a doctor to treat sleep disorders.
It’s not a mystery that empty blood sugar can’t fall. As long as people with diabetes are able to gain insight into the possible causes and take targeted measures, it will be possible to gradually control the emptiness of abdominal blood sugar to the desired extent and to establish a solid foundation for the overall treatment of diabetes and physical health.