Cardiac pacemaker is an important means of treating a pathological hysteria or room transfer retardation, which, when implanted, can effectively improve the quality of life of the patient and reduce the number of clinical events caused by a slow heart attack. Some of the patients ignored regular follow-up visits due to a marked reduction in clinical symptoms after the operation. Although the pacemaker is an effective mitigating condition for the treatment of severe arrhythmia, most of the current pacemaker is not a physical pacemaker, and transmissions between the activated and the right and right-to-heart sections are not normal, with a clear impact on the electro-mechanical synchronization of the heart room and the heart room, which can lead to delays in the transfer of the room, a retrenchment of the pedal, and a negative impact on the patient ‘ s heart function and arrhythmia. The use of pacemakers to improve clinical symptoms and minimize the impact of pacemakers on heart function or cardiac disorders requires regular post-pacing follow-up. The main elements of the pacemaker follow-up include the following:
1. To understand the working state of the pacemaker, including the rate of pace, working parameters, battery capacity, expected remaining useful life, etc., and to delay the life of the pacemaker by optimizing the output of the pacemaker or adjusting to the automatic capture of the working method.
2. To know if there is a pericardiology disorder and a heart disorder associated with the pacemaker, to record the time of rapid cardiac abnormality when the pacemaker is implanted, and to make recommendations on whether the patient is receiving anticondensive treatment, depending on the pacemaker ‘ s follow-up, in case of a dissatisfied heart vibration after some pacemaker is implanted. For cardiac disorders associated with the pacemaker, such cardiac disorders can be reduced or avoided by adjusting the relevant pacemaker parameters.
3. Optimizing the working parameters of the pacemaker in order to maintain, to the extent possible, his or her heart and room conductor, while improving his or her clinical symptoms, to reduce the pace rate and the effect of the non-physiological pacemaker on the heart function.
4. For patients with resynchronous pacemaker, the rate of double-heart start-up needs to be greater than 95 per cent, for patients with low pace-to-precedent rates, the period of the pace-building room needs to be adjusted to avoid their own pace as a result of their room transfer, and for patients with high room-to-room early pace, the basic rate of pace-to-precedent needs to be increased to increase the rate of double-heart start-up, if necessary. In addition, there is a need to adjust the duration of the left- and right-centrifugal pacemaker to the electrocardiogram or cardiac ultrasound, to achieve a synchronous contraction of the right- and right-centrifuge and to improve the function of the heart.
5. For the implantation of a pacemaker with a combination/defibrillation function, to understand the state of the patient ‘ s retortion or defibrillation, some patients may undergo retort or defibrillation due to external interference, myoelectric irritation, and can avoid the discharge of the pacemaker as a result of such circumstances by adjusting the parameters. The specific parameters for the occurrence of cardiac disorders can be understood for discharges due to hypercardial hypervelocity or room tremors to inform further treatment.
5. As a rule, the follow-up cycle following the implantation of a pacemaker is a follow-up check in January, March, June and December, followed by a follow-up visit every one year thereafter. In the year immediately preceding the replacement of the pacemaker battery, the follow-up check should be conducted on time and under the direction of a physician, so as to avoid the precipice of the pacemaker ‘ s battery.
As a result, regular follow-up visits after a pacemaker implant are an important part of maintaining the functioning of the pacemaker and reducing the side effects associated with the pacemaker, and all patients who have implanted the pacemaker should undergo regular follow-up checks.
A pacemaker implant.