Coronary heart disease, known as coronary porridge, is the result of the scortion of coronary artery (the blood vessels that supply the heart), resulting in a narrow or obstructive vascular cavity, which causes cardiac hemorrhage, anaerobics or cardiac death. chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of coronary heart disease, which explains in detail several aspects why coronary heart disease often manifests itself in chest pain:Coronary aneurysm1. Constricted blood vesselsWhen the coronary artery is hardened, the lipid and fibre tissues are deposited on the vascular wall, forming plasters, resulting in a narrower vascular cavity. This narrowness limits the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscles, especially when the heart requires more oxygen and nutrients (e.g., when moving), and when the heart muscles do not receive sufficient blood supplies, they cause chest pain.Bleeding plate accumulationWhen the clot breaks, it exposes the lower-skin tissue, triggers the accumulation of slabs and the formation of a clot, further reduces or blocks the flow of blood, causes arrhythmia and causes chest pain.Myocardial hemorrhage and hypoxia.1. Cardiac muscle requirementsThe heart is a working muscle pump that requires a steady and sustained blood supply to provide oxygen and nutrition. When coronary artery pathologies result in insufficient blood supply, myocardial cells do not have access to sufficient oxygen, produce metabolites such as lactated acid, stimulate the nerve end of the heart and cause pain.2. NeurotransmissionThe neurological endpoint of the heart is very sensitive to ischaemic blood and hypoxia. When myocardial ischaemic, these nerve endings send pain signals to the brain, which interprets them as chest pain.The pain in the chest.1. PainThe chest pain caused by coronary heart disease is usually found in the back of the chest and can be emitted to the left shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or upper abdomen. The location of this pain is related to the distribution of the heart nerve.2. Nature of painchest pains are often described as feelings of oppression, austerity, burning or heavyness, rather than sharp stings. This is because pain caused by myocardial insemination is usually chronic, persistent, rather than acute, temporary.The reason for the chest pain.1. Tired or emotionalIn cases of physical activity or emotional agitation, the metabolic demand for the heart increases and more blood is needed. If the coronary artery is already narrow, it is more likely that myocardial hemorrhage will occur, leading to chest pain.Coronary artery convulsionsIn some cases, coronary arteries may experience convulsions, further reducing blood flow to the heart and causing chest pain.3. Heart infarctionWhen the coronary artery is completely blocked, it causes myocardial infarction (commonly known as heart infarction). When myocardial infarction occurs, myocardial cells fail to function for long periods of time due to haemorrhage, and chest pains are very severe and persistent.Diagnosis and identificationEKGThe EEG is an important tool for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. An EKG for chest pain can show signs of myocardial hemorrhage.2. Drug testingSome drugs (e.g., nitrate glycerine) can expand the coronary artery to alleviate chest pain caused by myacardioma. If the post-pharmaceutical pain is reduced, it may be a sign of coronary heart disease.Conclusionschest pain is a key symptom of coronary heart disease as it reflects a state of insufficient blood supply in the heart. However, not all chest pain is caused by coronary heart disease, and other diseases, such as heart neurosis, gastrointestinal retortosis and rib neurological pain, may also cause chest pain. Therefore, in the case of chest pain, medical treatment should be provided in a timely manner, clearly diagnosed through tests such as electrocardiograms, coronary artery and the corresponding treatment.People with coronary heart diseases should follow medical instructions and take such measures as medication, lifestyle adjustments and regular follow-up to reduce the frequency and severity of chest pains and the risk of cardiovascular events. Through sound management, coronary heart disease can be effectively controlled and the quality of life improved.
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