Why is it that most of the female tan spots happen after childbirth?

Why is it that most of the female tan spots happen after childbirth?One of the clients asked me to help her with the brown spots, and she trusted me, so she wanted me to go straight out of the program. But instead of coming directly out of the program, I asked her, “Why is it that most of the tan spots happen after childbirth?” Why would a twilight plaster grow in women’s cheekbones instead of other parts?In Chinese medicine, this is a form of liver plaster, which is not the case in the nutrition profession, and is not directly related to liver function, but to the heart. You know, the skin layer here is the thinth of the female gillbones, which means that the cereum is the thinst and the narrowest, and if a female with a weak heart function, the gas circulation is slow, it is easy to have lipid deposition and oxidation in the gillbone, which is the origin of the yellow tan.Previously, we had said that the heart load of women during their 10-month pregnancy was very large, increasing the load by at least 50 per cent. Modern humans do not understand the theory of heart strength and give pregnant women many nutritions during pregnancy, but do not know the most critical heart support, resulting in total post-natal heart impairment. Once the heart force is damaged, the blood flow in the cheekbones slows down, and the fat is more likely to be deposited, so the yellow-faced woman and even the brown spot begins to be born.Similarly, one client wanted me to help him with the haircut, and he trusted me, so he wanted me to go straight out of the program. But I didn’t go out of the way, but I asked him, “Why are you going to lose your hair? Why do you take your hair off in the middle of the forehead, the Mediterranean? Because there’s something wrong with your blood supply, and it’s entirely from the heart.See this? Your skin and bones are covered with a large capillary vascular net, but it’s the least on the head and the forehead, and it’s much thicker and in a lot of quantities in the back of the head. We know that the nutrition of hair comes mainly from the fur bag, which in turn comes from the skin of the scalp microvascular, with the microvascular diameter of humans being only one tenth of the hair wiring, while the skin at the top of the head is the thinst, with the smallest distribution of the capillary vascular net and, of course, prone to lack of nutrition.Think about it, it’s easy to lose hair without blood and oxygen. That is why people who lose their hair rarely do so between themselves. So the question is: Why does a man lose his hair and a man doesn’t? This is certainly not the reason for the kidney failure, since most of the men with hair are bearded, and we know that the beard is male-specific, and the beard is thick enough to show that the hormonal is normal.Actually, that’s what I said. This means that if there is a problem with the hair, it is either that the fur bag is not nutritious or that it has a weak heart, which leads to a lack of blood supply from the skin. A person whose heart function is weaker by birth, can easily be timid, can dream at night or even have nightmares, and even have two low manifestations: low blood pressure, low heart rate. As a result, the blood cycle is slow, microvascular ischaemic at the far end, and it affects the availability of tissue-cell oxygen and nutrition, and the capillary vascular net is more likely to be silt with age, or it is becoming convulsive with work, learning stress, and such persons are vulnerable to loss of hair, white hair or baldness.Moreover, the infirmity of the heart also causes modern heart compensation, which in the long term results in the continuous renal glanding of adrenaline, which is a constriction of the whole body of acreage, including the skull. Long-term constriction of the scalp’s vascular vessels leads to convulsions of the skin, although the gradual pelvis lacks blood oxygen. So you’ll find a couple of kids with white hair, some of them not, but yellow hair.The boy was 16 years old and had bald hair and white hair. I talk to my parents about heart function, and they feel weird: My kid’s a hair problem. Why the heart? And then I found out that most adults didn’t know that the heart supplied blood oxygen to the brain but it was bald, white hair. Hair is haemorrhagic oxygen, if it doesn’t sustain growth, it’ll take off its hair, it’ll lose its hair and it’ll be bald.It can be said that the energy of all organs of the human body is derived indirectly or directly from the heart, including the muscles, and that the muscle elasticity of a weak human being is not sufficient to withstand the Earth ‘ s gravity and is very dry and loose. Moreover, dry skin is the most susceptible to real cortex fractures, with many wrinkles, some of which are not very old, but look old, with yellow atrophy, gray skin without a sense of glitter, skin laxity, eyebags or crwrinkles that are visible, and a large number of facial spots, because they have weak heart.Why do people look white when they get stronger? Because of a weak heart, it leads to a weak microcycle of aerobic blood, slower metabolisms, waste piles in angiogenesis, and is susceptible to oxidation, making the permeability of the skin look yellow. Once the heart force increases, the blood cycle increases, the metabolism of waste increases, and the permeability of skin becomes better, it looks white.So, if you’re going to be a beauty major, you have to take care of the mind theory, because the white skin is the most important thing for women; the chest is strong; the skin is so tight that all three things are about the mind. A man with a strong heart, whose skin and muscle are fully resilient, and a person with a weak heart, whose skin and muscle are inelastic and loose. But if you ask a hairdresser, she’ll certainly tell you: it’s a lack of gelatine protein, and the real reason is not glagen protein. Of course, it has to do with the aging and cracking of the gelatine protein, but beauty must be the heart.If you don’t believe me, you can see some people’s big interfish, the thickest part of their palms. Because of the thickest muscle layer, the veins are largely invisible in there, and normal indications are red. But for people with weak heart, the pressure on the veins is very high, and there is an indication of a rise in the veins, or when a person reaches the middle age, as his or her heart functions decline, the veins gradually show a chrysanthemum, which is worse for people with small palms.If you look at a handprint, you have a poor heart, you have a very weak skin, and you’re in a state of total laxity.