The monitoring of blood sugar is a top priority for diabetics. However, sometimes the value of blood sugar shows some puzzling signs: the value of blood sugar after three hours is higher than the value after two hours! What’s the secret behind this?First, we need to understand normal blood sugar patterns. For the general population, blood sugar peaks one to two hours after the meal, then drops, and after three hours after the meal, the blood sugar generally returns to normal levels.But for type 2 diabetes patients, this pattern can be broken. Why is this happening? There are several possible reasons:One is the delay in stomach emptiness. It’s like our digestive system is working overtime. Under normal circumstances, when food enters the stomach, it is emptied and digestively absorbed within one to two hours. But if we eat high protein or high fat food, or if we have insufficient stomach power, the food will remain in the stomach longer, leading to a later peak in blood sugar.Second is insulin. Insulin response for type 2 diabetes patients is slow, and when blood sugar rises, insulin is not distributed in time to reduce blood sugar, which results in high levels of post-eating blood sugar.Third is the effects of drugs. If we use short-acting sugar, these can be effective in controlling blood sugar for two hours after the meal, but after three hours the effect is reduced, leading to a further rise in blood sugar.Four are other factors. Longer meals, too much food, for example, can lead to abnormal post-eating blood sugar fluctuations.With these reasons in mind, we can take a series of measures to improve the current situation. For example, a reasonable adjustment of the dietary structure to select foods for the low GI (the blood sugar production index); moderate exercise can help to accelerate stomach emptiness; and, if necessary, the dose of drugs and the time of use can be adjusted under the professional guidance of a doctor.The changes in blood sugar after the meal reflect the internal functioning of our bodies, which can be better managed and healthy through rational diets, exercise and medication.
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