Winter flu.

Winter Influenza: a healthy “spoiler” in winter

In winter, a “little demon” began to wander in the crowd, which was the winter flu, known as the Influenza. It’s not like the flu guy with the common flu, but when it comes to it, it’s gonna suck.

Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, the “black family”. The family has the “bad boys” of influenza A, B and C. The influenza A virus is the most naughty one, and it’s always changed, like a new “salvation” after the antigen, so that our immune system doesn’t recognize it, so it can often cause a massive flu epidemic, or even a global problem. The type B influenza virus is relatively honest, but it is also local. In general, the influenza C virus can only occasionally bubble up a few cases.

Why is the flu so active in winter? It’s because the winter weather is like its “assist.” It’s like a “hair haven” for flu viruses to live longer outside. We’re humans, and we like to spend the winter together and hide in the house. The air in the house is not flowing, like a “dry can”, and the flu virus is happy in this “dry can” and can easily “jump and jump” between people. Besides, winter people’s immunity is like a sleeping “slug”, and their body’s resistance to the virus is declining. For example, as soon as the blood vessels of the nasal mucous membrane shrink, it seems as if they opened a “welcome door” to the virus and let it in.

It doesn’t feel good when you’re stuck with the flu. It’s not as gentle as a common cold, it’s like a “bold man.” Patients are often “burned up” with a temperature of 39°C or even higher, with a headache in their head like a hammer, a pain in their entire muscles, as if they had just been beaten hard enough to get up, and the whole body was soft. They also cough and their throats are grinding like sandpaper and their noses are like water taps that open the gates. Some poor guys are sick, vomiting, diarrhea. It’s a full-scale attack!

The way in which the flu spreads is also “smart”. It’s spread mainly by foam, like a little parachute. When a flu patient coughs, sneezes or talks, these virus-borne foams are sprayed out, drifting in the air, and if someone accidentally inhales it, it’s a hit. Another form of “collusion” is exposure to transmission. It hides on the doorknobs, elevator buttons, utensils, and if we touch these contaminated things with our hands, then accidentally go stomping on the nose, rubbing on the eyes, or eating something, the flu virus goes into our bodies.

But we’re not the ones who can’t help it. There’s a super-weapons called flu vaccine, which is like a “protective suit” for our bodies. Vaccines can stimulate our bodies to produce antibodies, little guards who can recognize and defeat influenza viruses. So, before the flu season comes, it’s best for everyone to take a shot, especially those who are kids, old people, mothers-to-be, and people who are not well-healthy. These are all the people that flumen likes to “bullying.” In addition to vaccinations, we have sanitation. Hand-washing is like giving hands “a bath” and washing them with soap and mobile water in the right way can wash off all the viruses on their hands. When the flu is high, less people and less ventilation, if you have to, put on a mask and keep the flu outside. There should also be regular ventilation in the home, fresh air in, the virus out, and regular cleaning and disinfection.

Don’t panic if you get caught accidentally. Find a place to rest, drink more water, like “breed,” so that it can fight the flu. You can take some anti-influenza drugs, like Ostawe, which is a “secret weapon” for flu kings, which can reduce the rate and the symptoms. If you have a fever, a headache or a severe muscle pain, you can also take some antithermal painkillers, but be careful not to eat too much. If the symptoms are getting worse, or even breathing difficulties and chest pains, then don’t hesitate to go to the hospital and get help from a doctor.

So, the winter flu is a little annoying, but as long as we understand its little trick, we can prevent it before it’s too late.