In the field of medicine, women are at higher risk of rheumatism and immunisation in special periods due to unique physiology and hormone changes. In-depth knowledge and understanding of the prevention elements are of great significance for safeguarding women ‘ s health.
During the physiology period, the female uterine membrane is cyclically detached and hormonal levels are marked. Estrogen fluctuations affect vascular condensation, combined with loss of blood and reduced physical resistance. At this point, cold and wet evils are extremely vulnerable to intrusion if they are not kept warm. Imagine that, in cold winter days, a woman with a menstruation period that is thin and eats ice cream and cold depressive blood makes her menstrual, joints and muscles insufficiently aerobic, and that pain and acid swollen feelings will strike. Thus, during the physiology period, warmness is the highest priority, as are thick coats, warm pants, fur socks, and cold foods, such as hot porridges and hot soups, with leaves and feet per night for 15 – 20 minutes, warm passages and the spread of the cold.
During pregnancy, women experience tremendous changes in their bodies. In order to adapt to the growth of the foetus, the body has a large amount of estuarine, which, although pelvis pelvis pelvis can be eased for delivery, also leads to a deterioration of the overall cortex stability. Weight increases during pregnancy, and heavy joint pressures such as vertebrae, knee and so forth increase, as if it were a constant burden. At the same time, the immune system is relatively inhibited to protect the foetus and is vulnerable to external disease. Pregnant women must not stand or walk for long periods of time, have more rest in the working space, and when they sit, lift up their legs to facilitate a return flow; choose comfortable, supported flat soles and reduce pressure on their feet and waist; and, under the supervision of a doctor, exercise modestly with the modestness of the pregnant woman ‘ s own soft exercise, such as yoga during pregnancy, slow walking, muscle strength and reduction of the joints.
In menopause, the ovarian function is declining, estrogens are down sharply, and the body’s “young engine” is out of fire. Calcium is lost in large quantities, the bones become fragile, osteoporosis becomes a common disease, and joint pain follows. Illnesses such as sleep disorders and hot sweats further disrupt the endocrine and immune balance of the body. During this period, calcium intake, milk, shrimp skin and beans products, must be prepared on a daily basis; the sun is increased, vitamin D synthesis is promoted and calcium absorption is assisted; routines are performed, and sleep is assisted by meditation and reading of the sedition; and social activities are carried out in a reasonable manner, so as to keep the mood open, and periodic medical examinations are conducted, with close attention to bone density, immunization indicators and abnormally timely treatment.
The special period for women is an important node of life and a critical “test period” for health. Only during the physiology, pregnancy and menopausal period, and in all its aspects and detail, can we be effective against the effects of rheumatism and immunization, so that women can develop a healthy life and enjoy a good life.