Treatment for breast cancer, we’ve been on the road. In our country, the incidence of breast cancer has indeed been increasing in recent years. Research data from developed countries show that progress in socio-economic development, improved living standards and increased life expectancy have been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the incidence of malignant tumours. The incidence of breast cancer is much higher for women than for men. Breast cancer accounts for about 7 to 10 per cent of common malignant neoplasm diseases in women and for about 40 per 100,000. Malignant neoplasms focus on prevention, and traditional medicine in our country attaches great importance to the concept of “no disease”. Regular medical examinations allow early detection of breast disease. The most common manifestation of breast cancer is the bulge felt in the breast, and many patients initially felt sick and found it in the shower or during self-examination. In addition to the self-testing of breasts every 1-2 months, female friends who are in a position to do so are advised to visit the regular medical examination centre every year. Not only breast screening but also other common diseases can be detected and prevented in a timely manner. There are structural changes in the breast at different stages of women ‘ s physiology. For women of all ages, in addition to a medical examination by a medical specialist, there are recommendations for video-aided examinations: for women aged 20-40, a mammogram is recommended every year; for women aged 40 or over, a mammogram is recommended for women aged 70 and over, a mammogram is recommended for each year, a mammogram is in condensed form, and a mammogram is also available; for women aged 70 and above, a mammogram is available every two years. At present, the State has relaxed its fertility policy and placed greater demands on the prevention and control of breast diseases. Baby feeding is an important function of the breast. The period of breast-feeding after pregnancy and childbirth is a period of marked changes in the physiological structure of the breast of adult women. It is recommended that pregnant women undergo breast check-ups before pregnancy. There is a marked difference between estrogen levels and the non-pregnancy period in the body after pregnancy, during which time it is recommended to consult with the mammologist at the earliest possible stage if the mammogram is swollen and growing at a relatively high rate. Regular breast check-ups and care are more important during pregnancy and after childbirth. A good system of health services for women during pregnancy and the post-natal period has been established, and women in pregnancy and childbirth can obtain and consult with the community, maternal and child health care and medical institutions on prevention and treatment. The population is large, and many may have heard of diseases around them, or some female friends are being treated. As a doctor, I would like to say that breast cancer does not require panic and frustration, and early breast cancer is entirely curable. Even those with medium- and late-term breast cancer receive good treatment under the medical system for the treatment of cancers. Breast cancer is now seen by a growing number of doctors as a treatable and controlled chronic disease. With the concerted efforts of global breast cancer prevention practitioners and patients in general, treatments and medications have been upgraded and improved rapidly, significantly improving the clinical efficacy of breast cancer, while also maximizing the quality of life of patients. Effective disease control and health maintenance are not just the responsibilities and obligations of medical technicians. For each of us, it is recommended to raise awareness of disease prevention and control, to keep up to date the general knowledge of health and to promote the concept of health. Tumours are chronic diseases associated with population ageing and economic progress. It is our firm belief that society as a whole, working hand in hand, will overcome disease and have a healthy and safe life.
Posted inHealth and wellness