You know what that says?

The thyroid color doppler ultrasound, known as the thyroid gratuity, is a common method of detection of thyroid health. It helps doctors to observe thyroid size, morphology, internal structure and blood flow to determine if abnormal knots or pathologies exist. The following are some of the common adages and their meanings in the thyroid topography reports:1. ConclusionThe knot refers to abnormal tissues that appear within the thyroid. The knots may be single or multiple, ranging in size from a few millimeters to a few centimetres.ConstellationThe cyste refers to the liquid cyst inside the cyst. This is usually benign, but it may sometimes be possible to combine physical elements, which need to be further assessed.3. ConclusionPhysical section means that the section consists mainly of solid tissue. The physical section may require further cortex work to assess its nature.4. Clarity of bordersA clear border refers to a smooth and neat edge of the knot and a clear demarcation with the surrounding organization. This is usually the characteristic of a virtuous knot.5. Fuzzy bordersFuzzy borders mean that the edges of the knots are not smooth and the boundaries of the surrounding tissues are not clear. This may be indicative of a poor character.6. MicrocalcificationMicrocalcification is a small calcification point that occurs within the knot and is usually considered to be one of the signs of malignity.7. Crude calcificationCrude calcification refers to larger calcified stoves within the knot. Crude calcification is usually associated with a benign knot, but the possibility of maligning cannot be completely ruled out.8. VoiceAcoustics are areas of recoil acoustic decay produced on ultrasound images by calcification or other high-acoustic structures in the knot. Sound shadows are usually associated with a virtuous knot.9. Rich bloodBleeding refers to a large number of blood flow signals inside and around the knot. Bleeding may be associated with benign knots, but in some cases it may also be malignant.Declining blood flowDecreasing blood flow means that there are fewer signs of blood flow inside and around the knot. In such cases, the knots may be benign, but they also need to be further assessed.11. TI-RADS ClassificationTI-RADS is a classification system for thyroid hypersound assessment. It divides the sections into different categories, ranging from TR1 (normal) to TR5 (high suspicion of malignity), and helps doctors to determine the risk of consummation.12. EchoEcho means the acoustic reflectivity of the knot relative to the thyroid tissue around it. Echoes can be high, waiting, low or no.13. Peripheral dizzinessPeripheral dizziness refers to the ring low echoes that occur around the knot, which may be characteristic of a benign knot but can also be seen in a malignant knot.14. Pumping guidanceThe piercing guide is a fine needle piercing biopsy, which is guided by ultrasound, and is used to obtain a nodal tissue sample to determine its nature.ConclusionsIt is important for patients to understand these adjectives in the thyroid topography report, which helps them to better understand their health status and the measures that may be required. However, the interpretation of the lottery report should be carried out by a professional doctor, who would give a professional diagnosis and recommendations in the light of the patient ‘ s clinical symptoms and other findings. If there was any confusion in the report, the patient should consult a doctor to obtain a more detailed explanation.